弗拉戈纳尔:偷吻 The Stolen Kiss

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弗拉戈纳尔:偷吻 The Stolen Kiss

《The Stolen Kiss》(偷吻)描绘了舞会上一名男子溜到侧室与情人仓促接吻的情景。它是由法国洛可可风格画家,弗拉戈纳尔(Jean Honore Fragonard,1732—1806),作于1787-1789年间,现收藏于藏列宁格勒艾尔米塔日博物馆。

【作品名称】The stolen kiss

【创作时间】late 1780s

【作者】Jean-Honré Fragonard


【尺寸】45 × 55 cm



弗拉戈纳尔(Jean Honore Fragonard,1732—1806),法国洛可可风格画家。1732年4月5日生于格拉斯,1806年8月22日卒于巴黎。弗拉戈纳尔的作品风格多变,色彩华丽,充满色情意味。晚年时因绘画风格不合时尚逐渐没落。他的代表作品之一《秋千》,巧妙地运用明暗的变化,以纤细的笔致,描绘出庭院和树林的美,非常精巧。它的纤细的线条,有种类乎病态的魅惑,色彩也淡雅。


The Stolen Kiss explores the theme of secretive romance and passionate moments grabbed in a fleeting moment. The painting captures a perfectly frozen moment in time; two lovers caught by the spectator in the act of stealing a furtive kiss while no-one else is looking.

  The young maiden is coquettish, leaning in for the kiss while at the same time looking away back towards the other members of the party in the next room over.

  The action is stilted, the figures posed in what almost seems to be a caricature of a passionate embrace. In keeping with the frivolity of Rococo style, the young lady's dress is painted with extraordinary attention to detail. The decoration and fashion becomes almost a third character in the scene.

  This type of semi-erotic theme was quite popular in the heady days before the French Revolution, particularly with the French aristocracy who slouched fashionably around the halls of Versailles digging up romantic follies and gossip fodder of their own. Fragonard was the favored genius of this genre.

  One can almost see in the sly look of the maiden's eyes the knowledge of the coming storm, knowing that the decadence couldn't last; and in this way The Stolen Kiss stands as a historical artifact, transcending the bounds of mere genre eroticism.

您可能还对弗拉戈纳尔 吻油画 洛可可艺术 感兴趣.
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作者弗拉戈纳尔 题材人物 形式油画 流派 色系灰色系 幅式方图 编号49201 模式RGB 格式JPG 尺寸7909 x 6488 像素 大小65.29MB 是否原创 上传时间2019-07-28 21:55:16


弗拉戈纳尔:偷吻 The Stolen Kiss

弗拉戈纳尔:偷吻 The Stolen Kiss

发布时间: 2019-07-28 21:55:16



发布时间: 2022-11-05 19:18:29



发布时间: 2019-07-27 12:24:22

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弗拉戈纳尔:偷吻 The Stolen Kiss
弗拉戈纳尔:偷吻 The Stolen Kiss