小汉斯·荷尔拜因作品: 使节 The Ambassadors

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小汉斯·荷尔拜因作品: 使节 The Ambassadors

画 名 : 使节 The Ambassadors

作 者 : 小汉斯·荷尔拜Hans Holbein der Jungere

年 份 : 1533 年

原 作 材 質 : 油彩.橡木 Oil on oak

原 作 尺 寸 : 207 x 209.5 cm

館 藏 處 : 英國倫敦國家畫廊 National Gallery, London


画面中出现的骷髅头非常有寓意~ 无论谁撰写世界美术史,都绕不开小荷尔拜因的《法国两使节》。这幅画构思之精细创作之严谨,达到了匪夷所思的境界。它的精细程度,宛如用高像素相机将五百年前的一瞬间忠实的记录下来一般。但几乎所有人看到这幅画时都会有疑问,为什么荷尔拜因在画面前方画一个变形了的骷髅头?小荷尔拜因画这幅画有什么不为人知的秘密?原来在这幅画的背后,实际上隐藏着一段血腥残酷的宫斗。

And there is the lute case, the box, the empty box, which perhaps reminds us of the coffin, of death, which is also alluded to here by this distorted skull. 这里出现了一把鲁特琴的琴盒,空的琴盒,可能会让我们想到棺材,想到死亡,这里这个扭曲的骷髅也同样暗示了这一点。

It's an example of anamorphosis, you look at it full-on, from where you are it's unreadable.


But from where you are, it reads as a skull. 就能看出来这是个骷髅。(坐着的人)

And we don't know whose idea it was. 我们不知道这到底是谁的主意。


Certain symbols, certain objects are multivalent. 有些符号,有些事物是有多重含义的。

They carry manifold symbols. 可能有各种各样的象征意义。

But not the skull, the skull is always, is it not, a symbol of death. 但骷髅不是,骷髅永远都只象征着一件事。

So, perhaps, the reading of this might be the death is ever present. Hiding... but ever present.


You never know when it might occur. 你永远不知道什么时候他会降临。

And in fact, he didn't make old bones, at all. 事实上,他还完全很年轻呢。

But perhaps, carried within this was a message, which Jean de Dinteville could talk about when he showed anyone this painting in his house at Polisy. 


No matter how rich, young... He was 29, or in his 29th year. He in his 25th. Handsome, interested in and worried about the world you are, in the end, it all comes down to the grim invincible.

不论多么富有,年轻,让·德·丁特维尔当时29岁,而乔治·德·塞尔维当时25岁,英俊非凡,情系且心忧天下, 可到最后都会败在冷酷的无法战胜的死亡面前。

And the only thing to be considered in this world is salvation.


Represented by the almost hidden crucifix top left.


您可能还对小汉斯·荷尔拜因 文艺复兴 世界名画 感兴趣.
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作者小汉斯·荷尔拜因 题材人物 形式油画 流派 色系绿色系 幅式方图 编号52198 模式RGB 格式JPG 尺寸4215 x 4226 像素 大小2.96MB 是否原创 上传时间2019-12-05 18:29:36


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小汉斯·荷尔拜因作品: 使节 The Ambassadors
小汉斯·荷尔拜因作品: 使节 The Ambassadors